factorial|factorials in English


total of an integer when multiplied by all lower positive integers (Mathematics)

Use "factorial|factorials" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "factorial|factorials" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "factorial|factorials", or refer to the context using the word "factorial|factorials" in the English Dictionary.

1. As one - x^22 / two factorial + x^44 / four factorial, et cetera.

2. With a bit simplication and the coefficient, we obtain one - x^2 / two factorial + x^4 / four factorial - x^6 / six factorial, et cetera.

3. In this setting, e to the x is one + x + x^22 over two factorial + x^33 over three factorial + x^44 over four factorial, et cetera, et cetera.

4. Just as there were four factorial ways of arranging four people, there are 52 factorial ways of arranging 52 cards.

5. And then what was n minus k factorial?

6. Where, by definition, zero factorial is equal to one.

7. Then, we obtain on the left. the series or long polynomial, one - x^2 / two factorial + x^4 / four factorial, and et cetera, all the even powered terms.

8. His work on factorials is independent of that of James Stirling and Vandermonde.

9. From Euler's formula, we see that these even terms, one - x^2 / two factorial + x^4 / four factorial, et cetera, comprise cosine of x.

10. The nth factorial moment of the Poisson distribution is λn.

11. Statistical analyses were performed by multivariate two-factorial analysis of variance.

12. You can make complicated calculations, including trigonometric, logarithmic, exponential, and factorial calculations.

13. Christian Kramp (8 July 1760 – 13 May 1826) was a French mathematician, who worked primarily with factorials.

14. And that's 5 times 3 times 2 times 1, over -- 3 factorial is just 6.

15. As Bessel, Legendre and Gauss did, Kramp worked on the generalised factorial function which applied to non-integers.

16. The k cancels up top and below and we obtain one over a quantity k minus one factorial.

17. The number of different binary addresses that an n-bit counter can generate is n factorial.

18. Plus one ove r four factorial times the derivative of x^4, 4, on and on down the

19. When k is equal to 3, this expression is going to the absolute value of 2 over 1 factorial.

20. So exciting that mathematicians have chosen to symbolize this kind of calculation, known as a factorial, with an exclamation mark.

21. And rewrite this as the sum k goes from zero to infinity of x to the k over k factorial.

22. Although embryonal mortality is a multi-factorial problem, embryonic Blastocoele formation and hatching from the zona pellucida are critical developmental stages

23. We performed a multilevel factorial field experiment to identify the effects of five factors on sea urchins' (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) aggregating behavior.

24. 19 The etiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is multi-factorial, including latent infection of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), environmental factors, dietary habits, familial heredity etc.

25. The etiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is multi-factorial, including latent infection of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV), environmental factors, dietary habits, familial heredity etc.